
News Detail

A note regarding dead geese

A note from Supervisor Venuti:

Dear Town residents and friends,

If you have lakefront property or visit the lakefront you have probably seen, or have heard about, dead geese being washed ashore or walking on the shore and dying. It has been confirmed the likely cause is Avian Flu. It is dangerous to other wildlife that might feed on the birds, pets, and, as far as we know, to a lesser extent humans. Handle with care. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation recommends removing them from your property by wearing gloves and a mask, and protecting your eyes from contact. Bury them, or double bag them and place them in the trash. If you have a large number and need help, there is a contractor who has been assisting people for a per bird fee. Contact me for his phone number.

Stay safe. Spring is coming.
